The FCM campus will be open the following times for corporate prayer:
January 27th from 5 - 7 PM
January 28th from 5 - 7 PM
January 29th from 5 - 7 PM
January 30th from 5 - 7 PM
January 27th from 5 - 7 PM
January 28th from 5 - 7 PM
January 29th from 5 - 7 PM
January 30th from 5 - 7 PM
Week of Prayer & Fasting
Why should we fast?
Fasting is the practice of abstaining from food and drink for a period of time
to seek God through prayer.
It should be used as a means to humble ourselves before God and seek His
forgiveness, comfort, help, guidance, strength, and His will.
Fasting allows us to draw closer to God.
Where can I find fasting in the Bible?
Matthew 9:14-15
Matthew 6:16-18
Isaiah 58:6
Luke 2:37
Joel 2:12
Which fast is best for me?
Fasting is the practice of abstaining from food and drink for a period of time
to seek God through prayer.
It should be used as a means to humble ourselves before God and seek His
forgiveness, comfort, help, guidance, strength, and His will.
Fasting allows us to draw closer to God.
Where can I find fasting in the Bible?
Matthew 9:14-15
Matthew 6:16-18
Isaiah 58:6
Luke 2:37
Joel 2:12
Which fast is best for me?
Complete Fast
No food, but you do drink water.
Partial/Intermittent Fast
Eating in certain windows of time
Skipping a meal or eating only one meal each day
Selective Fast
Fasting from a particular food or food group (Meat, sugar, soda, coffee, etc.)
Daniel Fast (Only vegetables, fruits, and water)
Soul Fast
Focusing on areas of your life that are
out of balance (Ex: Social Media)
No food, but you do drink water.
Partial/Intermittent Fast
Eating in certain windows of time
Skipping a meal or eating only one meal each day
Selective Fast
Fasting from a particular food or food group (Meat, sugar, soda, coffee, etc.)
Daniel Fast (Only vegetables, fruits, and water)
Soul Fast
Focusing on areas of your life that are
out of balance (Ex: Social Media)